Note: This map is an artistic representation of Nebraska's terrain. Text labels are intentionally limited.
The colors represent elevation as follows: Green represents Nebraska's lowest elevation, then yellow, orange, red, blue, purple, and finally white represents the highest point.
In Nebraska, the elevation change is gradual and consistent, from east to west. Most of Nebraska's main population centers such as Omaha and Lincoln, are located in the low elevation lands in the east. The western portions are much higher and less populated.
Nebraska's highest point is Panorama Point in the easternmost south corner of the state. The elevation of Panorama Point is 1654 meters of 5427 feet.
Learn how this Nebraska topographic image was created with digital elevation data.
This physical map displays many physical features of Nebraska. The Missouri River along Nebraska's eastern border is shown. Additional river valleys can be clearly seen cutting their way across the land from west to east, where they ultimately join up with the Missouri River. The Platte River valley is the most pronounced, cutting across central Nebraska, but the Niobrara river system in the north and the Republican River system in the south are also very visible.
The state of Nebraska is also includes several varying land regions, generally broken into the Dissected Till Plains in the east and the Great Plains in the west.
The Dissected Till Plains include gently rolling hills and lower elevation and most of Nebraska's population.
The Great Plains are higher and more vast and rugged. The western Great Plains also include smaller regions like the Sandhills, Wildcat Hills, Pine Ridge, and the High Plains in the far west near the Colorado and Wyoming borders.
Nebraska's lakes and reservoirs are also shown on the map, including the large Lake C. W. McConaughy, and smaller ones like Merritt Reservoir, Pelican Lake, Box Butte Reservoir, Beaver Lake, Swan Lake, Enders Reservoir, Hugh Butler Lake, Swanson Lake, and Harry Strunk Lake.
102 Nebraska cities and towns are labeled on the map.
Major cities like Lincoln, Omaha, Grand Island, Kearney, Fremont, Hastings, Bellevue, Scottsbluff, Beatrice, and Alliance are all shown.
Some of the medium and smaller towns on the map include McCook, Sidney, Chadron, Ogallala, Falls City, Broken Bow, Central City, Valentine, Saint Paul, Imperial, Pierce, Tecumseh, Hebron, Bridgeport, Grant, Red Cloud, Chalco, Ralston, Gothenburg, Milford, Valley, Mitchell, Springfield, Wymore, Wood River, Atkinson, Cambridge, Genoa, and many others.
This Nebraska topographical physical map is more than just a map, it's a work of art. Great effort has been made to create a stylish and informative map full of color and vibrancy that will look great on your wall.
Whether you display it in your home, or place of work, or a school, or somewhere else, you can be confident the map will draw attention and inspire curiousity about Nebraska's natural beauty and diverse landscape.